Metro Hope For Kids and Wondang-Ki

Rev. Rosella Angel Ridings,
Founder / Director,
Metro Hope for Kids.
…July 4th, 2014, 4:45 AM, in Orlando, Florida, USA, was a life-changing day for me! While on a ministry trip in May to Malaysia and Singapore a minister spoke to me and said, “If you ever feel you can help someone else, there is a little girls orphanage in India that needs help.” I replied, “I will pray and ask God, if He tells me to, I will obey.” July 4th God spoke to me in an audible voice saying, “You can do something for the little girls in Nagaland.” I immediately responded, “Yes God, I will obey.” At that time I didn’t even know where Nagaland was! I contacted the minister in Singapore and told him what had happened and asked him to please give me some information. He joyfully responded with information about Mr. N. Thungdemo Kikon and Wondang Ki Charitable Foundation. Since then it has been an honor to partner with Mr. Kikon, a man of character and integrity, with a heart to reach out to the orphans and those living below the poverty line. He has been honoured by the President of India in receiving the Rajiv Gandhi Manav Seva Award for outstanding performance for child welfare and protection and is spoken of highly by many.

What a joy to visit the orphanage in 2015 and meet some of the Kikon family and the girls in the orphanage! My heart was so touched as I interacted with them. Hearing their stories was heart-rending, but to see them now in a place where they are loved and given hope for the future brings joy.

My desire is to help him accomplish his goal of changing the loves of orphans by giving them the necessities of life. This includes love, a place to live and an education.

Thank you, Mr. Kikon, for being willing to give of yourself to make a difference in the lives of children! May God continue to bless, strengthen, guide, and give you wisdom for the daily tasks of transforming the lives of boy and girls.

I remind you of the words God spoke to me, “You can do something for the little girls in Nagaland.” Yes, WE can do something. Thank you for joining us as we make a difference in the lives of children in Nagaland. Directions for how you can give or be involved are on this website.