About Us

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”

– Helen Keller

The Origination of WFC

It was 9th January,1999 when Dr. Sashimeren the then Project Director of Nagaland State AIDS Control Society organised HIV/AIDS awareness seminar for Naga students studying at Bangalore at United Theological College. The resource person mentioned about the church’s attitude towards people living with HIV/AIDS, “let them suffer because they are punished by God because of their immoral life”. He further mentioned that, “Jesus even ministered to those lepers who were outcast, should the church curse and ostracized them?”
It was during this seminar, God’s great plan to bless the orphans and the poor children of our society was taking shape. Thus, the need to have an orphanage was first felt in August 1999 while I was studying M.Th. at South Asia Advanced Christian Studies (SAIACS) in Bangalore.

After attending this seminar I had to changed my thesis topic which I had already started working on it and instead, decided to write on the topic,“Pastoral Response to HIV/AIDS with special reference to the state of Nagaland,” I did several interviews with many people who were infected and affected by this pandemic. My encounter with a particular family changed my life and my ministry. I was so moved to see a dying father due to AIDS, his wife was also HIV positive and they had two cute girls aged 2 and 4 years old. To think of these two minors without their loving father at such a tender age tremendously moved me, at that moment God gave me a burden and a vision for the parentless and the homeless children.

Surprisingly, on my graduation night of March 6th, 2000 United Evangelical Mission- India, approached me to work for them and one of their ministries was to work with the orphans. This confirmed God’s will, right from changing my thesis topic, meeting the affected family, and finally the mission organization inviting me to work for them in the Northeast of India from where I belonged. By the next year in 2001, the New Life Children Home (NLCH), was established in Dimapur with 23 children. Subsequently WCF was registered on the same year.

A New Vision and THE Establishment of Wondang-Ki Model Orphanage for Girls:

During my ministry with these children from 2001 to 2006, I discovered that the orphaned girls were more vulnerable than the boys, as everyone wanted to keep them in their homes with the motive to use them either as a domestic help or babysitters. In the process, they were deprived of their basic needs and even a good future.

As a result, the Foundation began a model orphanage exclusively for girls to give them the opportunity to TRANSFORM their lives by providing them homely care and the best education. WCF works with its motto, “Entrusted to Transform Lives.” Thus, WCF take enormous responsibility to see that an orphaned girl who comes to us is well taken care of to ensure that a new ray of hope for a better future is provided with the best of education, facilities and opportunities that will equip them to be confident enough to face any tough competition in the future.

It was also observed that, while many children homes were running exceedingly well, there were children homes that were ran in a very pathetic condition where children were not given what they rightfully deserved. Education was not their priority, they were further deprived and exploited in the children homes. Hence, WCF attempts to set a standard for the orphanages with its goal, “A Home That Strike A Difference From the Rest”. The objective here was to motivate other children homes to develop a sense of competition among the homes which would bring reformation to the children homes which will ultimately benefit the needy children.


In the process of our service to these girls, another very genuine social need was encountered. Several childless young couples approached us seeking to adopt a child. Meanwhile, several infants were offered to us by unwed couples.
However, since we did not facilitate adoption then, we were unable to place children for adoption or accept children for adoption. Therefore, to address both of these need the adoption agency was started in the year 2009.